Saturday, June 16, 2012

Restore Web applicaton using SQL server tools in SharePoint 2010

There are some limitations to restore the whole web applicartion using SQL restore but we can use DB associated with Web Application using SQL tools

To restore databases associated with a Web application by using SQL Server tools

  1. The account must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role.
  2. All stored procedures must be finished before a restore if any procedure is running stop SharePoint Timer service and wait for several minutes for any currently running stored procedures to finish.
  3. Do not restart the service until after you restore the databases.
  4. Now we are all set open SQL management studio and expand Database server
  5. Select the DB you want to restore > Right Click > Tasks > Restore > Database.
  6. In the Restore Database dialog box, specify all required information
  7. Open Options.
  8. In the Restore options section, select only Overwrite the existing database
  9. Recovery state section specify details as per your requirements
  10. Click OK

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